Privacy Policy

Last Updated: December, 2023


Summary of this notice

  1. We (Super Smashing Ltd, trading as “Blink”) use your personal data as a data controller for certain purposes including (depending on your relationship with us) account creation, identity verification, direct marketing, and analytics.
  2. In other scenarios, we may be a data processor acting on behalf of other organizations, for example, your employer. In such cases, this notice does not apply, and you should instead refer to the privacy notice of that organization responsible for your data.  
  3. For the purposes set out in this notice, data is shared with others including our business customers, other Blink group companies and third-party vendors. In some instances, data is transferred outside the UK/EEA, including to the US.
  4. Where we rely on your consent, such as in the case of some cookies, you can withdraw this consent at any time.
  5. In some case, you also have data protection rights including the right to object to some of the processing which we carry out.

Who we are

We are Blink, a UK-based company with global offices as set out below:

  • Super Smashing Ltd, 2 Westland Place, London, England, N1 7LP;
  • Blink Business Technologies Inc, a Delaware corporation, with its registered office address at 353 West 48th Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10036; and
  • Blink Business Technologies Pty Ltd, a proprietary company registered in New South Wales, with its registered office address at 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000.

In this notice, “Blink”, “us”, “we” refers to these companies collectively. We may also refer to these companies as “Blink group companies”.

We operate a website and provide an employee experience application accessible via mobile, desktop or the internet (the “App”) to employers who are our business customers (our “Customers”), and through which we make our services, such as our communication platform, work-management tools, surveys, and forms (our “Services”) available to Customers.

What this notice covers

This notice relates to the personal data processed in connection with the App and our Services in respect of which Blink acts as data controller. Super Smashing Limited will usually be the data controller, including for any of our data analytics activities in connection with the App. In other cases, for example for personal data processed in the context of your Business Contact relationship with your local Blink group company, the data controller will be one of the other Blink group companies. If you have any questions about this, you can contact us using the contact details under “How to get in touch” below.

If you are a:

  • Business Contact (i.e., an individual working for one of our Customers, who acts as a point of contact between us and the relevant Customer) – we will be the data controller of your personal data we process in connection with your interactions with us. As a Business Contact, we may contact you about the agreement we have with the Customer, and otherwise use your data in order to manage our relationship with that Customer, for example to manage renewals or upgrades.
  • End-user (an individual or prospective employee, worker or contractor of one of our Customers, making use of the App which our Customer has deployed) or an Administrator (an individual who manages the functionality of the App and Services on behalf of that Customer via the administrator portal) – this notice is only relevant for certain personal data we process about you in connection with your use of the App and Services, and your interactions with us.
    Important note: For processing we carry out that is not described in this notice, we are data processor (rather than a data controller), and your employer or hirer (our Customer) will be the data controller responsible for providing you with a notice about that processing. For more information on your employer’s (or hirer’s) privacy practices, please refer to their own privacy notice. To the extent personal data is shared between us and your employer or hirer, there is an agreement in place between us and your employer or hirer which governs how this data is protected.
  • Website User (an individual visiting the Blink website, currently found at, or such other websites operated by us from time to time (together, the “Sites”), whether or not you fall into any of the categories above) – we will be the data controller of certain of your personal data when you visit and interact with the Site.

This notice also explains how your information is collected by cookies and other tracking technologies when you are using the Sites and the App. You may access and change your cookie preferences at any time via our cookie preference center. For more information, see the section on “Cookies” below.

Personal data we may collect about you

We collect and process the following personal data as a data controller, which we receive either directly from you, via our cookies or via a Customer (from a Business Contact or Administrator):  

Data category


Relevant group(s)

Identification Information

Your name, job role, username and password in connection with your business account, and/or information relating to the industry you work in.

Business Contacts

Contact Information

The name and address of your employer/hirer (our Customer); your business email address and business phone number; in the case of Administrators, your administrator ID and account.

Business Contacts


Business Correspondence

The content of your correspondence with us in the course of maintaining our business relationship, to the extent it includes personal data.

Business Contacts

Marketing Information

Your marketing and cookie preferences, including any consents you have given us and/or where you unsubscribe, the fact you have unsubscribed and your email address, which is maintained on a suppression list in order to not contact you in the future.

Business Contacts


Website Users

Sites/App Use Information  

Information about your use of the App and/or Sites, for example, how feed posts are engaged with, who messages are sent to (e.g., your manager or direct reports), how many times you open the App, when you connect to third party services or connect to Blink via your social accounts, and other key events; and any inferences we draw from this information.

Website Users (in relation to use of the Site)

Administrators and End Users (in relation to use of the App)

Device Information

Technical information related to the browser or device you use to access our Sites or the App (if different), including the type of device you use, a unique device identifier (for example, your device's IMEI number, the MAC address of the device's wireless network interface, or the mobile phone number used by the device), your IP address, your mobile network information, your operating system, the type of browser you use, and device time zone setting.

Website Users (in relation to use of the Site)

Administrators and End Users (in relation to use of the App)

As some of the above personal data may be collected through cookies and other tracking technologies, please see the section on “Cookies” below for more information.

Sometimes, we receive personal data about you from third parties:

Data category


Relevant group(s)

Identification Information

Your name, job role, username and password in connection with your business account.

We may get this directly from you or from a Customer (via a Business Contact or Administrator).

Business Contacts

Contact Information

The name and address of your employer/hirer (our Customer); your business email address and business phone number; in the case of Administrators, your administrator ID and account.

We may get this directly from you or from a Customer (via a Business Contact or Administrator).

Business Contacts


Publicly available information

We may obtain your name, job role and contact information from your company website, corporate directories or social media.

Business Contacts

We use your personal data for the purposes and legal bases set out below.


Legal Basis

Relevant group(s)

Account creation - We will collect, use, and store your Identification Information and Contact Information to enable you to register and create a business account with us on behalf of a Customer.

We have a legitimate interest in managing the legal contract with the Customer, or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract with the Customer.

Business Contacts

Identity verification - We collect and use your Identification Information to verify your identity each time you log in to your business account.

We have a legitimate interest in ensuring the security of our services and data..

Business Contacts

Business communications - We will collect, use, and store your Identification Information and Contact Information, and will review and store your Business Correspondence, to communicate with you in connection with the provision of our App and Services and the management of our relationship with the relevant Customer.

We have a legitimate interest in managing our business and facilitating the provision of Services to our Customers.

Business Contacts


Direct marketing - We will collect, use, and store your Identification Information, Contact Information and Marketing Information to send you direct marketing, relevant emails and surveys via email, telephone and/or within the App, in relation to our relevant products and services, or other products and services provided by us, our affiliates and/or third parties in which we provide an integration via our App.

We have a legitimate interest in promoting our App and Services to our clients.

Your consent (if applicable) where you sign up to receive marketing emails from us relating to our App and/or Services.

Business Contacts


Online targeting - We will collect, use and store your Identification Information, Contact Information, and Marketing Information to target you with relevant online advertising, including via social media, or to target others who we think might be interested with relevant online advertising. We do this through the placement of cookies, which recognise your device and track when you visit other sites using the same device. Please not that if you allow it in your cookie preferences, the Meta pixel will be placed and, in that case, we act as joint controllers with Meta in respect of the data processed.

Your consent (if applicable) where you opt in to receiving online targeting. This will include where targeting is based on information collected through cookies (see the section on “Cookies” below).

Business Contacts


Website Users

Fraud and security monitoring - We will collect, analyse and store your Sites/App Use Information and Device Information to monitor, investigate, prevent and detect fraud, security incidents and other misuse of our App and/or Services, in accordance with applicable law.

We have a legitimate interest in preventing and detecting fraud or other wrongdoing.

Business Contacts


Website Users


Analytics to maintain and improve our App and Services - We will collect, analyse, and store your Sites/App Use Information, Device Information, Business Correspondence and/or Identification Information, and your Marketing Information, in order to optimise, maintain and make improvements to our Sites, App and our Services, including to keep them updated and relevant, to develop our business, and to inform our marketing and product development strategy.

We have a legitimate interest in operating our Sites, App and Services, improving their operation and developing product features relevant to a type of Customer or End-user.

Your consent (if applicable) where you opt in to cookies being placed for these purposes (see the section on “Cookies” below).

Business Contacts


Website Users


Analytics we provide to our Customers - We may collect, analyse, and store any category of personal data referenced above, in order to provide trend and statistical analysis to our Customers.

We have a legitimate interest in operating our site and improving its operation.

Your consent (if applicable) where you opt in to cookies being placed for these purposes (see the section on “Cookies” below).



Legal obligation - We will collect, use, and store your Identification Information, Contact Information and Business Correspondence to complete our financial reporting and disclosure obligations to our tax agencies and regulators.

We may be required to disclose certain key contract information or otherwise in order to respond to an inquiry or notice from a Customer.

Business Contacts

Sometimes cookies and other tracking technologies are placed on our Sites and/or the App to process personal data for the above purposes. For more information see the section on “Cookies” below.

There are instances where we have a legitimate interest to use your data. Our legitimate interest will vary depending on what we are using your data for, and we explain above what the interest is and how it relates to the processing operations that we are carrying out.

How we share your personal data

We may share your data with the following categories of recipients:

Category of Recipient(s)


Relevant group(s)

Our Customers (including your employer/hirer)

To provide trend and statistical analysis to our Customers and/or to enhance the analytics we provide to other customers we may have from time to time as part of our services, however, only ever in aggregate and in a way that does not individually identify you.



Other Blink group companies

To operate, improve, and develop our Services and/or App, to operate our business, to communicate with you and/or with you on behalf of the relevant Customer and/or to meet our compliance obligations under applicable law.

Note that in some scenarios, the Customer may contract with a local Blink group company in connection with provision of the App to End-users. However, Blink will remain data controller in those scenarios, and the local contracting entity would only process any personal data described in this notice on our instructions, and always in accordance with applicable data privacy laws.  

Business Contacts


Website Users

End Users

Third party service providers

We engage other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include Sites and App hosting and maintenance, customer service operations, identity checking, sending postal mail and email, processing payments, legal advice, and for digital advertising, including, for example, on social media.

Business Contacts


Website Users

End Users

Law enforcement and fraud prevention agencies

To prevent and detect fraud, security incidents and other misuse of our App and/or Services, in accordance with applicable law, and where we are under a legal duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal or regulatory obligation or request.

Business Contacts


Website Users

End Users

Prospective Buyer/Seller

In the event that our business is sold or integrated with another business, your details may be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchaser’s adviser and will be passed to the new owners of the business in order to continue to operate the Sites and provide our App and Services.

Business Contacts


Website Users

End Users

We may also share aggregated/anonymised information with selected third parties as appropriate and with analytics and service providers that assist us in fault diagnostics, the improvement or the optimisation of the App or for other business purposes, in accordance with applicable law.

The Sites and/or App may contain links to and from third party websites or services. Please note these third parties may have their own privacy notices and we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these notices or for any personal data that may be collected through such third parties (to the extent separate from our own data protection obligations). Please check these third-party privacy notices before you submit any personal data to these third parties.

Where we transfer your personal data

Personal data that we collect from you may be transferred to or stored at a destination outside your own location, including if you are in the UK or EEA, being transferred to the US.  We are a global business, with people and offices all around the world. As explained above, your personal data may be disclosed to Blink group companies.

Where we transfer your data to Blink group companies or third parties in locations which do not provide an adequate level of data protection, we ensure appropriate safeguards are in place to protect the transfer of your personal data to these countries. In the majority of cases, we will rely on relevant data transfer mechanisms (e.g., the appropriate module of the EU’s standard contractual clauses issued on 4 June 2021 (the “EU SCCs”), the UK International Data Transfer Agreement (IDTA) and/or the UK addendum to the EU SCCs). A copy of the relevant mechanism can be obtained for your review on request from


We protect your personal data through the use of appropriate technical measures such as encryption, but we cannot guarantee the security of information transmitted. Information in transit between our servers and you over the internet is encrypted using industry-wide accepted standards.

Once we have received your data, we use procedures and security features to prevent unauthorised access. All data we hold is stored on our secure servers. At rest, data is encrypted using strong encryption, although some Business Contacts may manage their own encryption keys via our agreement with the Customer.

Your choices and rights

If you are based in the UK or the EU, you have at least the following rights:


The right of access

Enables you to receive a copy of your personal data.

The right to rectification

Enables you to correct any inaccurate or incomplete personal data we hold about you.

The right to erasure

Enables you to ask us to delete your personal data in certain circumstances.

The right to restrict processing

Enables you to ask us to halt the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances.

The right to object

Enables you to object to us processing your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interests (or those of a third party), including processing for direct marketing purposes or profiling for purposes of direct marketing, or where we are performing a task in the public interest - your objection will be upheld, and we will cease processing your personal data, unless the processing is based on compelling legitimate grounds or is needed for the exercise or defence of legal claims that may be brought by or against us.

The right to data portability

Enables you to request us to transmit personal data that you have provided to us, to a third party without hindrance, or to give you a copy of it so that you can transmit it to a third party, where technically feasible.

These rights may be limited if, for example, fulfilling your request would reveal personal data about another person, or if you ask us to delete information which we are required by law to retain or have compelling legitimate interests to keep.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please email us at so we can assist you. Please note in some cases we may request additional information from you to verify your identity before we can respond to your request.

Wherever we rely on your consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. We may however have other legal grounds for processing your data for other purposes, such as those set out above. If you want to withdraw your consent to our processing of personal data collected via cookies and other tracking technologies, you can do so through our cookie preference center. For more information see the section on “Cookies” below.

You have an absolute right to opt-out of direct marketing, or profiling we carry out for direct marketing, at any time. You can do this by following the unsubscribe link where this is an electronic message, by logging a support request at or by emailing us at

For processing related to account creation, identity verification, business communications, fraud and security monitoring or our legal obligations, the provision of information is mandatory: if relevant data is not provided, then we may not be able to manage or enter a contract with the Customer. The provision of all other information is optional.

How long we retain your personal data

We retain your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.  In general, this is as long as is necessary to provide our services to our Customers (which will depend on how long Customers choose to make the App available to End-users), subject to any legal obligation to further retain such personal data, and/or how long you work for a Customer and/or act on their behalf. More particularly:

  • Where we process personal data for marketing purposes or with your consent, we process the data until you ask us to stop and for a short period after this (to allow us to implement your requests). We also keep a record of the fact that you have asked us not to send you direct marketing or to process your data indefinitely so that we can respect your request in future.
  • Where we process personal data for analytics purposes (to improve our services and/or to provide or enhance analytics for our Customers), we retain it for 2 years or until you ask us to delete your information (unless we have another legal basis for retaining such information or are required by our contract with the relevant Customer to retain it).
  • Where we process personal data for App and/or Sites security purposes, we retain it for usually not more than 90 days, or at a maximum up to 1 year.
  • Where we collect personal data through cookies or other tracking technologies, we retain it for as long as required for the particular cookie. For more information see our see the section on “Cookies” below.

Information about you that is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it is processed may be anonymised, pseudonymised, and/or aggregated with other non-personal data, to provide insights which could be commercially valuable to Blink, such as statistics relating to the use of the App and/or our Services. For example, we may retain anonymised or pseudonymised data on how individuals use the App or interact with the sign-up flow.


What are cookies and other tracking technologies?

A cookie is a very small text document, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are created when your browser loads a particular website. The website sends information to the browser which then creates a text file. Every time the user goes back to the same website, the browser retrieves and sends this file to the website's server. Find out more about the use of cookies on

We also use other forms of technology (such as web beacons and, in our App, software development kits (usually referred to as SDKs)) which serve a similar purpose to cookies and which allow us to monitor and improve the Sites, the App and/or email communications. When we talk about cookies in this notice, this term includes these similar technologies.

The types of cookies we use

Type of cookie


Duration until expiry


These cookies are required to enable core functionality of the Sites and/or App. Without these cookies, services you have asked for cannot be provided. If you disable these cookies certain parts of the Sites or App will not function for you.

Up to 2 years.


We may use cookies that are not essential but enable various helpful features on the Sites or App. For example, these cookies collect information about your interaction with the Sites or the App, and may be used to remember your preferences (such as your language preference), your time-zone and the presentation of the website (such as the font size).

Up to 2 years.


These cookies help us improve or optimise the experience we provide. They allow us to measure how visitors interact with the Sites and the App and we use this information to improve the user experience and performance of the Sites, App and our Services. We may also share this information back with the Customer (your employer/hirer) or with our other Customers in statistical form (and in each case, never in a way that identifies you).

These cookies are used to collect technical information such as how many messages you send, how many times you open the App, when you connect to third party services, and other key events.

Up to 2 years.

Advertising and social media

These are cookies which collect information about your browsing habits in order to make advertising more relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to limit the number of times you see an advert as well as help measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.  We may share this information with other parties who help manage online advertising.

Up to 2 years.

For information about the specific cookies we use which fall into these categories, see here.

Session and persistent cookies

Cookies can be persistent or session cookies depending on the time that they remain on your device. A persistent cookie is stored on your device after your web browser is closed or once your session ends. It can be used to recognise your device when you open your browser and use the Sites and/or the App again. A session cookie exists temporarily on your device while your browser is open. It is deleted automatically once you leave the relevant Site or App or close your browser.

Third party cookies

Your use of the Sites may result in some cookies being stored that are not controlled by us. This may occur when the part of the Site you are visiting makes use of a third-party analytics or marketing automation/management tool or includes content displayed from a third-party website. You should review the privacy and cookie policies of these services to find out how these third parties use cookies and whether your cookie data will be transferred to a third country. A list of the third parties who place cookies on the Sites can be found via our cookie preference centre.

How you can control and say no to the cookies we use

For cookies other than strictly necessary cookies, we will ask for your opt-in consent before placing them on the Sites.You can change whether you do or don’t consent to us using cookies at any time by clicking here. As well as this, you can also change whether you do or don’t consent to us using cookies with the settings in your internet browser.

Updates to this privacy notice

We reserve the right to update this notice at any time, and any updated notice will appear on this page. We will provide you with a new privacy notice when we make any substantial updates either by email or when you next log in to the Site or the App. We may also notify you in other ways from time to time about the processing of your personal data.

How to get in touch

If you have questions about this privacy notice or wish to contact us for any reason in relation to our personal data processing, please email us at

We do not have an establishment in the European Union, so we have appointed a local representative, Data Rep. If you are resident in the EU, you can contact them directly using the details below:

If you have any concerns, you have the right to complain to a data protection authority in the country that you reside in or, the country of your place of work or the country where the alleged infringement took place.

Scope of policy.

Your privacy is important to us, and so is being transparent about how we collect, use, and share information about you. We have created this policy to explain the basis on which any personal data we collect and hold will be used and shared by us, including;

Definitions used in this policy are the same as those used in our Terms of Service.

Questions or comments about this Privacy Policy may be submitted by mail to the address below, or email us at

Information we collect

We collect and process the following data (Information) when you provide it through the use of our service:

Information you give us: Account Holders, Administrators and End-users (you), may give us information about you when downloading or registering to use the App, filling in forms on the App, corresponding with us (for example, by e-mail or chat), sharing data via the App's social media functions and when reporting a problem with the App. Information may include your name, address, email address, phone number, age, username, password, other registration information, personal description, photograph, job title, employer and Blink connections.

Information about you contained within the content you send and receive on the App: The App is designed to help you work collaboratively with colleagues and across teams. It is inevitable, therefore, that messages you send or receive or content you share on the App may contain personal information about you and other people. We take extra care to store this information securely and in a way that protects your privacy.

Information provided when you connect The App to your Third Party services: We receive information about you when you or your administrator link to a third-party service with our Services. For example, if you authorise Blink to connect to your Office 365 account, we receive a token that allows us to access your data in O365, limited to the scope of permissions you grant. We do not mass import data from these 3rd party services, but do access it as needed.

Information we automatically collect each time you use the App: When you use the app we collect some information to help us improve our services:

  • Device and session information: technical information, including the type of Device you use, a unique Device identifier (for example, your Device's IMEI number, the MAC address of the Device's wireless network interface, or the mobile phone number used by the Device), your IP address, your mobile network information, your operating system, the type of browser you use, time zone setting, etc;
  • Metrics on use of the app: details of your use of any of the features of the App including how many messages you send, how many times you open the app, when you connect 3rd parties services and other key events.
  • Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies: Along with our third-party partners, such as our analytics partners, use cookies and other tracking technologies (e.g., device identifiers and pixels) to recognise you across different Services and devices.

How we use information

We use the Information you give us and that we collect in the following ways:

  • to make the App and the services it provides available to you;
  • to personalise the service to your needs;
  • to allow you to participate in interactive features of the App, when you choose to do so;
  • to send you service and administrative in App communications and email messages such as those reminding you that you have messages waiting;
  • to allow you to connect to, or link through to non-Blink Services;
  • to provide you with support;
  • to ensure that the App is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your Device;
  • to notify you about changes to the App;
  • to provide you with information about other apps and services we might offer that are similar to those you have already use;

We may use the Information we collect from your Device:

  • to administer the App and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes;
  • to improve the App;
  • as part of our efforts to keep the App safe and secure.

A note on the information about you contained within the content you send and receive on the App: We do not use Information contained within content you send and receive on the App for any purpose, although we may occasionally be required to disclose such Information as set out below.

Information we share/disclose

We may share your Information as follows (on occasion this may include Information about you contained within the content you send and receive on the App, but this will only be where absolutely necessary):

  • with any member of our group, which means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries, as defined in section 1159 of the UK Companies Act 2006;
  • in the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, in which case we may disclose your Information to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets;
  • if Blink or substantially all of our assets are acquired by a third party, in which case Information held by us about our customers will be one of the transferred assets;
  • if we are under a legal duty to disclose or share your Information in order to comply with any legal or regulatory obligation or request;
  • in order to enforce or to investigate potential breaches of the Terms or to protect the rights, property or safety of Blink, our customers, or others.

We may share End-users Information with the relevant Account Holder and/or Administrator.

We may share disaggregated/anonymised information with selected third parties as appropriate and with analytics and service providers that assist us in fault diagnostics, the improvement or the optimisation of the App.


Unfortunately, the transmission of any information via the internet is not completely secure. We will do our best to protect your Information through the use of appropriate technical measures such as encryption but we cannot guarantee the security of Information transmitted; any transmission is at your own risk.

Information in transit between our servers and you over the internet is encrypted using industry wide accepted standards.

Once we have received your Information, we use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access. All Information we hold is stored on our secure servers. Data is encrypted both at rest and in transit.

When you share information, or communicate using the App, you choose the audience who can see what you share. Those people may download or re-share any of your content with anyone on the App or otherwise. We have no control over this so do not share any personal data or information that you do not want to be seen, collected or used by other End-users.

Our legitimate interests

For our EEA users, we process your information in furtherance of our legitimate interests, including:

  • providing the Services, including any personalised Services. We do so as it is necessary to pursue our legitimate interests of providing the Blink service in a way that meets the needs and expectations of our users; and
  • improving the Services, including any personalised Services. We do so as it is necessary to pursue our legitimate interests of developing innovative and tailored offerings to our users on a continually improving basis; and
  • keeping the Services safe and secure. We do so as it is necessary to pursue the legitimate interests of Blink and its members in ensuring the Services are secure, and to protect against fraud, spam and abuse, etc.

Where we store your personal data

For our EEA users, the Information we hold on you is typically stored within the European Economic Area (EEA). With some Account Holders we may agree to store data at specific locations requested by them which may be outside of the EEA. In that case we will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and regional legal requirements.

Some of the Third Parties and partners we work with, such as our analytics provider, do store their data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) and as such some identifiable information will be transfered to other countries, predominately to the United States. This information does not include the content (for example, your messages) within your account, which are always held by Blink. In all cases, where a third party is transfering your data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), we have taken reasonable steps to ensure the third party is GDPR compliant.

How long we store your data for

We retain information as long as it is necessary to provide the Services to you and others, subject to any legal obligations to further retain such information. Information associated with your account will generally be kept until it is no longer necessary to provide the Services or until you ask us to delete it or your account is deleted, whichever comes first.

Where consent is you withdraw your consent to Blink processing your data, we will delete all information you provided. Following the deletion of your account, it may take up to 30 days to fully delete all personal information from our systems. Note that content you have shared with others will remain visible to them after your account has been deleted.

Information about you that is no longer necessary and relevant to provide our Services may be anonymised, and aggregated with other non-personal data, to provide insights which could be commercially valuable to Blink, such as statistics of the use of the Services. For example, we may retain anonymised data on how people use the app or interact with the sign-up flow.

If your account is provided by your employer, or part of the Organisation, please see the section below.

Organisation accounts

If you register or access the Services using an email address within a domain that is owned by your employer or organisation, or if you associate that email address with your existing organisation account and such organisation wishes to establish a Blink organisation account, certain information about you including your name, profile picture, contact info will become under the control to that organisation’s administrator.

In the case that the Services are made available to you through an organisation (e.g. your employer), we retain your information as long as required by the administrator of your account. This does not impact your personal rights, but if you choose to exercise certain rights listed below it may result in you being unable to continue using the service as provided via your organisation.

Your rights

You have the right to ask for copies of all the information we hold on you: This report will include the Personal Data we have about you, provided to you in a structured, commonly used and portable format. Please note that Blink may request additional information from you to verify your identity before we disclose any information. If you wish to request a copy of your data, please log a support request at so we can assist you.

You have the right to have your personal data corrected: You can correct or change your personal data within the Settings and Profile areas of the app. If you need assistance or find you can't edit the data you'd like to change, please log a support request at so we can assist you.

You have the right to have your personal data deleted: You may request that your account is deleted by logging a support request at Once deleted, your data, (including your account) cannot be accessed. Note that content you have shared with others will remain visible after your account has been deleted.

You have the right to object to us processing your personal data: You can ask us to stop using your Personal Data, including when we use your Personal Data to send you marketing emails. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link found within Blink emails. Please note you will continue to receive transactional messages related to our Services, even if you unsubscribe from marketing emails.

We will also send you messages and emails that are of a service or administrative nature, but you may not opt out of these while you have an active account.

Third parties

The App may contain links to and from non-Blink Services. Please note these non-Blink Services may have their own privacy policies and we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies or for any personal data that may be collected through these non-Blink Services, such as contact and location data. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these non-Blink Services.


When you set up or access the App via your browser, we use Cookies to distinguish you from other users of the App. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we store on your browser or the hard drive of your computer. These cookies help us to provide you with a good experience and also allow us to improve our site.

We use the following types of cookies:

  • Strictly necessary cookies: These are cookies that are required for the operation of the App via your browser. They include cookies that enable you to log into the App or make use of e-billing services.
  • Analytical/performance cookies: These help us to improve the way the App works; (for example, by ensuring that End-users can find what they are looking for easily).
  • Functionality cookies: These are used to recognise you when you return to the App. This enables us to greet you by name and remember your preferences; (for example, your choice of language or region).
  • You may block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse all or some cookies. However, if you do you may not be able to access all or parts of the App via your browser.

Changes to privacy policy

Any changes we may make to our Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by email or when you next start the App. The new terms may be displayed on-screen and you may be required to read and accept them to continue your use of the App.


Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy are welcomed and should be addressed to

For legal purposes the Data Controller/Processor is Super Smashing Ltd, (trading as Blink), of 71 Fanshaw Street, London, N1 6LA. This is also our contact address.