Create a workplace where frontline workers love to work

Discover the employee app that frontline workers will appreciate as much as you do.

Why HR teams choose Blink to transform frontline employee engagement

Frontline workers often work alone or in small groups and don’t have access to a company email or intranet. Without the usual resources or shared spaces, HR teams often struggle to connect meaningfully with frontline workers.

Blink’s mobile-first employee app is helping HR teams across the globe achieve many of their biggest organizational goals, such as:

Stay connected with the frontline

Whether your frontline organization is spread out across the country or across the globe, HR teams need to stay as close as possible to frontline workers. When workers feel disconnected from their workplace, engagement suffers and turnover increases. 

Blink is a trusted tool for HR teams trying to keep employees engaged and loyal. This starts with the onboarding experience, where frontline workers have a consistent experience for everything from critical policies and updates to access to common HRIS and IT tools. Plus, Blink ensures communication goes both ways, with an emphasis on feedback throughout, to give frontline workers a voice in the company.

Woman looking at phone

“Blink made management approachable. It streamlines communication and gives staff the opportunity to talk to us meaning that we get a real feel for what they think.”

- Nathan Ward, Performance and Development Manager, Stagecoach

large stagecoach bus